Tony ( over at
liongames is always running great promotions. Yesterday , I placed a preorder for Halo 3 and it cost me 39.99. Also, I ordered the new Shadowrun game for free with some trade ins.
Here is what liongames does: They have a deal where if you trade in games along with the order, you get a special discount. For example:
 | Shadowrun | XBox 360 Release Date: 05/29/07 Genre: Shooter ESRB Rating: M Catalog No.: XB3_MIC_AA7013 Pre-Order New: $59.99 $49.99
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 | Shadowrun With 1 Trade In | XBox 360 Release Date: 05/29/07 Genre: Shooter ESRB Rating: M Catalog No.: XB3_MIC_AA7013_1 Pre-Order New: $59.99 $44.99
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 | Shadowrun With 2 Trade Ins | XBox 360 Release Date: 05/29/07 Genre: Shooter ESRB Rating: M Catalog No.: XB3_MIC_AA7013_2 Pre-Order New: $59.99 $39.99
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You trade in 2, get the game for 10 dollars cheaper, and tack on the trade in value of the game, and you have a free or almost free game.
This is a special he runs pretty much with all of the new xbox/ps3 games cominng out.