Friday, May 11, 2007
Tecmo Bowl 2008?
I have no clue how they are going to pull this off with no NFL license, but it should be interesting.
My prediction. Wii game. Waggle controls. Bo Jackson dominates.
Next, Tecmo Bowl...
7:23: Seriously, Tecmo Bowl? People at the press conference cheer. Mr. Inaga, Vice President of Tecmo Inc, takes the stage. Inada takes the stage and jokes that the title of the game wasn't supposed to ahve been revealed until the end. "Just pretend like you don't know that it says Tecmo Bowl here" (pointing to the logo on the screen) "Instead of telling you about it, we're going to s how you a video that is very memorable."
The video begins. The video shows Tecmo employees (including Inada himself) playing SNES Tecmo Bowl. Jumps to a trailer for the full game. Set for release in 2008. But, no footage of the game itself ... just a logo. And no platform announcement, intentionally. "I can't tell you what platform we're making it for. But I can tell you that it's probably not going to be on the platform that you're expecting... if that makes any sense." This 2008 game will not be a port. It's a band new game for one of the new systems. But which one?!? "That's one thing I can tell you for sure. This is going to be a brand new game for one of the new systems ... We're confident that the new Tecmo Bowl is going to be the talk of the town in 2008."
Posted by
11:44 AM
Labels: tecmo bowl, Wii
D- Cas: New Madden Blog
Today, I fire up the browser at work, point it to the Madden web site, and click on the blogs tab. I still have to do that because EA SPORTS STILL DOESN'T HAVE AN RSS FEED. Anyway, D-Cas pretty much says that the last 2 Maddens on the PS3/360 blew donkeys. You can read the entire Next Gen Madden bashing blog here.
Wow, even EA producers think that Madden 07 was the worst game ever.
Everyone who knows me knows that I am a Current Gen (CG) player when it comes to my football gaming habits. I own an Xbox360 and enjoy playing it, but I always keep my PS2 and Xbox plugged in and ready to go whenever I need to get a game of Madden in. Really it has just been a personal preference of mine the last couple years- my friends all play CG, I work on the CG games, and I simply enjoy the way the CG game plays when compared with Next Gen (NG). I’m sure many people agree with me and others probably think I’m crazy- but even us developers are entitled to our own opinions!
Wow, even EA producers think that Madden 07 was the worst game ever.
So in the meantime I take a little harassment around the office- “D-Cas will be playing Madden 2025 on his PS2!” or my personal favorite nickname of “Low Def D-Cas.” Ya… laugh it up guys, the bottom line is that I play the games that I have the most fun with, not what the techno junkies tell me to play! Plus I remind them that I am not the only one who hasn’t fully embraced the NG game- just look at the message boards and you’ll see I am not alone. Simply put, I have always said that I will switch when I am ready to switch, and that will only happen when I personally feel I will enjoy the game more. Call me a NG hater if you want… call me stuck in past… I don’t care- when I go home I still want to play CG! And for the record I do own a couple of HD-TVs, thank you very much!
Posted by
8:06 AM
Labels: blows donkeys, madden, xbox 360
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