Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wii Rumor Mill

EA sports games, on the wii, will be online this year. You can read the report here.

Some Excerpts

In additional to the new telestrator mode, which allows players to “write” on-screen during instant replays, Madden 08’s online features include:

The down side? No voice chat.

We will see in August if Hammer and I have pns drawing contests on the replays.

Starcraft 2: Sitcom length developer walkthrough

Instead of watching Will and Grace, you should watch this.

GH: 80s edition; More tracks released

  • 18 and Life (as made famous by Skid Row)
  • Bathroom Wall (as made famous by Faster Pussycat)
  • Lonely is the Night (as made famous by Billy Squier)
  • Nothing But a Good Time (as made famous by Poison)
  • Play With Me (as made famous by Extreme)
  • Shaken (as made famous by Eddie Money)
  • Synchronicity II (as made famous by Police)

  • Those all suck compared to the ones I posted before. Except for Poison.