Monday, April 30, 2007

Agent 0 comments on the Cover

The NBA gives its players a place to talk to the average fan. They give the player his own blog. Gilbert Arenas, we found out today, is on the cover of NBA Live 08. You can read his excited blog post here here.

Vick’s Skills were Pumped up in Madden, I want 99s
That’s what I’m hoping now. You know the best part about it? They’re giving me full control of the design, the commercials and like they’re letting me do my own media about it. They’re letting me do my own press conference. Most of the time they’d be like, “Dwyane Wade is on the cover of 2006 or 2007…” But this year they’re letting me do my own. I get to say I’m on the cuh-vahhh.

Oh crap, not another devon hester!


Brooks said...

Its good to see not all professional athletes are retarded douchebags like Barry Bonds and some of them seem pretty nice like this guy.

Vinneeee said...

Ya, he only wants 99s not 100s.