Saturday, May 5, 2007

All the same game

Just watched X Play's Summer Preview show. Jeebus Criminey. Exactly Wii games were previewed. I can sorta understand that. Wii games tend not to look awesome in clips. Especially compared to the 360 and PS3.

But how depressing was it to see that every game is the same? Every game previewed was a shooter. Seemed like every game was a first-person shooter. I like a FPS -- maybe not as much as the next guy, but I enjoy the genre. But I don't understand why all the big summer games are the same genre. Can't anyone do anything different? It doesn't even have to be new anymore -- just something other than a FPS.


Ian said...

more RPGs please and thank you.. theres way too many FPSs nowadays.. im missing all the RPGs there used to be

Stompy said...

*cough* Mass Effect *cough*

I stumbled across that show. First time I've seen Xplay on G4 in, what, a year and a half? Usually it's Formula D, Cops, or the man show. What is G4 now, TV for Spike dropouts or something?