Friday, May 18, 2007

Halo 3 Beta: First Impressions

After downloading the Beta, I was ready to send Crackdown back to Gameznflix and I realized I couldn't. The beta requires the player to launch from Crackdown. Dumb. Anyway...

The limited time I spent with the beta was fun. I tried out the noob combo, and that didn't work as well as it did in halo2, but it did work sort of. The map I played on was High Ground. It consisted of a valley with enclosures on each side for easy ambushes.

The control was great, the responsiveness was awesome, but the only thing I didn't like about it was the jumping. Everyone, when they had a 1 on 1 would jump up and down while shooting at you. I am not used to this, I am used to just circle strafing my way to victory. In the Halo universe, everyone is a high jumping Olympian, you can jump like 10 feet into the air.

All in all a fun time. I can't wait til we get to try out the party system.

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