Sunday, May 20, 2007

Halo 3 Information

Halo 3 confirms 4 player co op over xbox live. Go to the previous link to see what else they have found.

Scrolling through the list of on-screen text for party menus, one sentence revealed the following:

The game cannot start because all players are set to observer. Too many players for splitscreen. Only 2 players may play splitscreen coop on the same Xbox 360 console. The party size is too large to start the game. Up to 4 players may play coop on Xbox Live or System Link. Loading information from Xbox Live…
Sweet. I love co op. Nothing else does 4 player now, halo does it first again.

1 comment:

Stompy said...

I don't care. I clicked that link and discovered that one of the new gametypes was "infection". Congrats Bungie, I think you might just have earned my $60.
