Friday, May 4, 2007

Boogie: Stompy's Best

We know now that Stompy is going to get a wii for this game.

from Kotaku

Frankly, I was put-off by the current control scheme. It seemed unusually complex for a game clearly targeted at the Wii's more casual audience. Like SSX Blur, I went into Boogie thinking the game would feature a simpler, more intuitive, possibly remote-only method, only to find myself stumbling through my dance routine. EA Montreal may intend for players to more slowly ramp up, to become more accustomed to the coupled waving, twisting and stick control, but jumping into the game with limited play time made me wish for Brick House to end early every time. Granted, the game is still very early and there's more than enough time for fine-tuning, but there's one more aspect to the controls left to consider.

Ya, it took me forever to get used to SSX Blur's controls. I am sure this will be the same way.


Stompy said...
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Stompy said...


Just for that, now I'm not gonna get one!